The Room in your house

Do you have a room in your house that makes you nervous? Most people do. The feeling you can't shake in that room is almost indescribable, like a looming anxiety, that if you stay in that room for too long, something will happen. The things people imagine vary from person to person, but that room defies all logic and reasoning in your mind, shaking away your common sense as your flight or fight sense peaks. When you walk past the doorway, you see something that sends a chill down your spine, something that makes you want to just run. Whether you're realistic or imaginative, a child or an adult, you will have that room in your house.Everyone does at some point.
When away from that room, you realize that the figure you saw wearing a trench coat might just be a normal coat hanging on the door, that it's just a room, that there is no reason to be afraid of it. But when you're near that room, as I said, all reason and logic leaves you.
But have you ever looked at the thing in the doorway directly, ever stayed in that room for more than two minutes without someone at your side? No?
That is what I will be attempting today. I will update this log once I have spent an hour alone in that room, with no-one else in the house.